Three Galleys Studio - Coronavirus policy
To minimise the risks associated with the spread of coronavirus, during any rehearsal, recording or visit we:
Minimise the number of people attending each session and in any one room at any time
Maintain appropriate social distancing
Provide hand sanitising points at the studio entrance and in each room
Disinfect common touch areas before and after each session (and during each session as required)
Maintain studio cleaning and deep cleaning between projects and sessions
Musicians attending sessions are asked to:
Be mindful to maintain appropriate social distancing
Not bring visitors to sessions unless essential
Be mindful not to touch any equipment other than their own instruments and designated equipment
We may ask musicians playing specific instruments to take particular steps, for example brass players are requested to appropriately capture and dispose of spit value content.
Receive specific anti-viral cleaning before and after use
Can be cleaned by the user with their own cleaning products
Musicians can bring their own headphones
Microphones and other equipment receive specific anti-viral cleaning before and after each use.